Is this the end of Rico?
So it's the middle of the 11th against the Royals. The eleventh. Against the Royals. This was supposed to be our easy series. We were supposed to not just sweep them but to destroy them. Especially when the Yankees fall to the Blue Jays and we got a chance to gain some ground.
Why have our bats failed us? I know that Clement shouldn't have given up that homer but it happens. He gave up three runs and that's about what you can expect from a starter. Was he great? No, but he did his job and did it pretty well. For some reason that continues to escape me it's the Royals' bullpen that has managed to queit our bats.
Now it's up to Arroyo to buy us enough time that we can get something going because our bullpen needs to rest, man. We gotta get back up to full strength.
Still, no matter what happens I'm going to take today as a good day because Millar hit his fifth home run of the season. Seeing that and how his team reacted to it (pretending not to care and then pouncing him... in Varitek's case in a very literal and very big way), it made me remember what it is I love about the Red Sox. They are a team and they are all in this together and when you're a Red Sox fan, you get to join in on that ride and on this cold day in San Francisco (and a very rainy one in Kansas City) there's no place I'd rather be.
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